
Content Development

Once upon a time, corporate websites were purely commercial. They educated consumers about your brand and your products. They were very me, me, me. Then, social media happened. Online reviews happened. And as the balance of power shifted from companies to consumers, the way the web worked changed.

Now, it’s no longer enough to just promote your products. (In fact, it’s kind of tiresome.) You need to create value by sharing useful information. Do this, and you become a trusted resource for your customers, ensuring their loyalty and repeat sales. But that’s not all. Because when customers find your content useful, they’ll share it widely — bringing new leads to your site.

That’s why every manufacturer today should have a blog dedicated to developing useful consumer content that isn’t all about you and your products. The trick for dietary supplement companies is developing content that is both helpful and compliant. Because even blog posts that don’t mention your products need to be written in appropriate structure function language.

Wordgirl has developed unique, science-backed, compliant content for companies such as Barlean’s, Flora, Gaia Herbs, Juice Plus+, and Rainbow Light. If you’d like to put my industry knowledge to work for your brand, call me now at 831-234-0808 or email me the deats of your project.

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“Demystifying DSHEA: A Plain-English Guide to the Most Important Legislation Affecting Dietary Supplements”

You are beyond wonderful, Sara. Your blog posts are all GREAT! I know when you author something for us we can absolutely count on it being relevant, compelling, accurate, substantiated and totally FDA-proof – not to mention on time and on budget. You make us look great and you’re an invaluable part of our team.
— Shannon Remy, Creative Director, Barlean's